Listed Company Information

GREAT CHINA<00141> - Results Announcement

Great China Holdings Limited announced on 29/08/2005:
(stock code: 00141 )
Year end date: 31/12/2005
Currency: HKD
Auditors' Report: N/A
Interim report reviewed by: Audit Committee

                                                        (Unaudited )
                                     (Unaudited )       Last
                                     Current            Corresponding
                                     Period             Period
                                     from 01/01/2005    from 01/01/2004
                                     to 30/06/2005      to 30/06/2004
                               Note  ('000      )       ('000      )
Turnover                           : 948,555            538,646           
Profit/(Loss) from Operations      : 20,227             27,120            
Finance cost                       : (2,311)            (5,984)           
Share of Profit/(Loss) of 
  Associates                       : (4,798)            1,031             
Share of Profit/(Loss) of
  Jointly Controlled Entities      : N/A                N/A               
Profit/(Loss) after Tax & MI       : 11,278             19,804            
% Change over Last Period          : -43       %
EPS/(LPS)-Basic (in dollars)       : 0.0431             0.0757            
         -Diluted (in dollars)     : 0.0431             0.0757            
Extraordinary (ETD) Gain/(Loss)    : N/A                N/A               
Profit/(Loss) after ETD Items      : 11,278             19,804            
Interim Dividend                   : $0.01              $0.01
  per Share                                              
(Specify if with other             : N/A                N/A
B/C Dates for 
  Interim Dividend                 : 14/09/2005         to 16/09/2005 bdi.
Payable Date                       : 30/09/2005
B/C Dates for (-)            
  General Meeting                  : N/A   
Other Distribution for             : N/A
  Current Period                     
B/C Dates for Other 
  Distribution                     : N/A   


1.      Changes in accounting policies

In 2005, the Group adopted certain new/revised standards of Hong Kong 
Financial Reporting Standards and Hong Kong Accounting Standards that are 
relevant to its operations.  In accordance with the relevant requirements, 
the 2004 comparatives have been amended as required.

2.      Earnings per share
Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit attributable 
to equity holders of the Company of HK$11,278,000 (2004: HK$19,804,000) by 
the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period 
of 261,684,910 shares (2004: 261,684,910 shares).

Diluted earnings per share is the same as basic earnings per share since 
the Company has no dilutive potential ordinary share.